Morgan 19th October 2018

Graham will be greatly missed by the Resident Involvement Team at Paradigm Housing Group. Graham was actively involved for 5 years. Assisting us with audits and inspections, he was always willing to get engaged and help in any way he could. His main activity for us was volunteering as a resident quality inspector, attending our estates and our empty properties using his skills from his many years as a site surveyor in the building trade. He was a real asset to the group, especially in our training courses. He was brilliant, there he was making our new RQIs a cup of tea, explaining the role in his calm and caring nature. People thought he was hosting the sessions!! Showed me up a bit actually :) I last saw Graham in January when we had a consultation meeting. His view was residents should be more appreciative of the service they receive. And Graham we certainly appreciated you!, you will be missed. I'll think you when I'm running around making the tea at our next training course next month!! Thank you. From Morgan and the rest of the Involvement Team at Paradigm Housing Group